Gray Enterprises Plus, Inc.


We provide essential business and community services for commercial and government clients.

Glo Solutions, Inc.

Advanced Resource

Technologies, Inc. (ARTI)

Art and Soul Solutions, Inc. is a Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) in the District of Columbia.


R E A C H  |  T E A C H  |  i N N O V A T E |  G R O W
business and community support services

Established in 2009, Art & Soul Solutions, Inc. is an SBA recognized woman-owned small business (WOSB) and District of Columbia Certified Business Enterprise (CBE).  Our aim is to create opportunities for community development and socioeconomic growth while providing essential supports and services for commercial and government clients. We offer human services consulting in the areas of Family Services, Education and Training and Disability Programs throughout the District of Columbia Metropolitan Area.

We aim to create opportunities for community grown and development through collaboration.

C L I E N T S  &  S T R A T E G I C  P A R T N E R S

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